This is a COM object which enables an ASP or other server side script to manipulate and Resize Image files. A wide range of functions are available to edit and enhance images.
* Resize and scale images. Create thumbnails from an ASP script.
* Allows input as a file from the server, from a remote url, or as binary data from a database.
* Accepts input direct from the csASPUpload component.
* Send output to the server, or stream it to a database or browser.
* Create compound images, pasting one on top of the other.
* Place text onto the image using any installed font with optional antialiasing. Support for Unicode characters.
* Perform simple image editing drawing lines and shapes with optional colour fills.
* Uses JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG, PSD, PCX, TIF and WBMP formats and can convert Between them. Can export to PDF.
* Read and edit IPTC text in JPG and TIF images.
* Read and edit EXIF atributes from JPG and TIF files.
* ICC Color Profiles can be preserved in JPG files.